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SP Jain News Desk

The Revolution Which is Going to Sweep the Education Industry – Nitish Jain Writes in Entrepreneur India

Mr. Nitish Jain (President – SP Jain School of Global Management) recently authored an article on The Revolution Which is Going to Sweep the Education Industry in a reputed magazine, ‘Entrepreneur India’.

Topics: SP Jain Global News

Technology-Enhanced Learning in the UAE – Marko Selakovic Writes in Innovation Arabia 11

Marko Selakovic’s paper on Future of Technology-Enhanced Learning at the Universities in the United Arab Emirates: The Teachers` Perspective, has been accepted in the Innovation Arabia 11 Conference. The conference will take place from 11-13 March 2018 at the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Topics: Singapore Campus, Faculty in the News

What Do Customers Crave in Mobile 5g? – Survey by Dr Seetharaman, Dr Indu Niranjan, and Ms. Sindhuja Covered in Yourstory

A survey report on customer cravings from mobile 5g by Dr Seetharaman, Dr Indu Niranjan, and Ms. Sindhuja was recently covered by ‘Your Story’.

Topics: Singapore Campus, Faculty in the News

How Blockchain Can Prevent PNB-Like Frauds – Vikram Pandya Shares with the Economic Times

Vikram Pandya (Program Director – Fintech) recently shared his comments and views on “How blockchain can prevent PNB-like frauds”. The article has been published by ‘The Economic Times’ and highlights how blockchain technology can be used to train various machine learning algorithms to identify fraudulent patterns.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Dr Suneel Sharma Writes on Proximity Based Marketing Solutions in YourStory

Dr Suneel Sharma, along with Ms Himanshi Sharma & Mr Srikant Rajan (Strategy & Technology Consultant), recently authored an article on “Proximity Based Marketing Solutions – Integrating the Physical and the Digital”.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Business School Trends That Will Dominate the Future – Nitish Jain Writes in GMAC Advisor

Nitish Jain (President, SP Jain School of Global Management) recently wrote in GMAC Advisor, highlighting the trends that will dominate the business school industry in the next few years.

Topics: SP Jain in the News

Religion Based Investing and Illusion of Islamic Alpha and Beta - Dr. Nawazish Mirza Writes in Pacific Basin Finance

Dr Nawazish Mirza recently published an article titled "Religion based investing and illusion of Islamic Alpha and Beta". The article appears in Pacific Basin Finance Journal that has an impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) of 1.75, being indexed under A category of the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal ranking.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Indian Banks Mull Measures After US$1.8b Fraud – Vikram Pandya Shares with Channel News Asia

Channel News Asia recently covered how Indian banks are mulling tighter measures after the USD 1.8b fraud. Vikram Pandya (Program Director – Fintech) was featured in this cover, sharing his views on preventive measures to be adopted by the banking sector to avoid such scams in the near future.

Topics: Faculty in the News

Dr John Fong Invited for a Live Radio Interview at Capital 95.8FM

Dr. John Fong (CEO & Head of Singapore Campus) was invited for a live radio interview on 13th February 2018, with Singapore’s local celebrity, Ko Ee Sim(高逸芯) - the Senior Producer and Presenter at Capital 95.8FM, a well-known local Chinese radio station. Dr Fong spoke about why business schools need to be Global in addition to having a technologically driven curriculum and why students who have global experiences will have a more competitive edge for future roles.

Topics: Faculty in the News