On 28th June 2018, SP Jain’s Singapore Campus organised its very first ‘Human Library’ with 12 inspiring guests, also known as ‘Human Books’.
June 28, 2018 | by SP Jain Global Events
On 28th June 2018, SP Jain’s Singapore Campus organised its very first ‘Human Library’ with 12 inspiring guests, also known as ‘Human Books’.
On 28th June 2018, SP Jain’s Singapore Campus organised its very first ‘Human Library’ with 12 inspiring guests, also known as ‘Human Books’.
The “Human Books” were
The ‘Human Library’ event was organised by the SP Jain Corporate Relations team and ideated from the concept of a library, where the ‘Human Books’ share their knowledge with the ‘readers’ - in this case, our students.
The students were given five minutes to ask the ‘Human Books’ any questions. Many students commented that the time crunch helped them become more focused in their thought process, asking questions that could be most beneficial to them.
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© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Name of PEl (Private Education Institution): S P Jain School of Global Management | Registered with Skills Future Singapore Agency (SSG) | PEI Registration Number: 200516544Z | Period of Registration: 09 May 2023 to 08 May 2029.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Name of PEl (Private Education Institution): S P Jain School of Global Management | Registered with Skills Future Singapore Agency (SSG) | PEI Registration Number: 200516544Z | Period of Registration: 09 May 2023 to 08 May 2029.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.