Global Learning Team
This June, S P Jain students had the chance to try out Dragon Boating at the Singapore waters. For many, it was their first time entering the waters of Singapore and also trying out this particular sport.
Dragon Boating is a sport that increases both fitness and the collaboration between team members. Often required to have high synchrony between members, the Global Learning team adapted the concept and used it to relay the power of teamwork to the students.
Unlike other sports like badminton or tennis, Dragon Boating is more intensive and slightly easier to pick up. It is especially beneficial for those who have no prior experience with the sport. Of course, doing it well requires a lot of training and focus. Teamwork and organisation are paramount, and usually, the most efficient team wins. Teamwork is everything in Dragon Boat Racing. A synchronised team will almost always beat a team of physically strong individuals who cannot work together.
Bridging Dragon Boat to Today’s Business Environment
Strong teamwork is vital in today's changing marketplace, especially when working with teams made up of highly diversified talent. Dragon Boating brings together diverse players of different abilities and strengths to achieve acommon goal. It provides the individuals with a unique opportunity to explore group dynamics and increase productivity and effectiveness. The nature of the sport emphasises unity and working together. Driving toward the finish line renews energy, enthusiasm, and motivation while encouraging leaders to move to the forefront. Completing a race or training session develops a sense of pride and accomplishment among the participants.
Paul Aricatt (Global MBA student), whose team won the dragon boat competition commented that through this sport, he learned the importance of collaboration and coordination. Strength and skill do matter. But without the mentioned key roles, the effort placed would be almost ineffectual.
"It trains us to be extremely agile and quick to respond to situations. For example, we have to work on projects with very short timelines. We were able to present our work successfully as a team where every member contributed."