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Sustainable solutions on water conservation: Singapore toastmasters


Recently, SP Jain Singapore hosted their 43rd Toastmasters meeting on the theme "Save Planet Earth: Water Conservation." SPJ Toastmasters Club is a platform for individuals to hone their speaking, thinking and leadership skills through active participation in Toastmasters activities. It aims to provide an ongoing communications and leadership training facility within the club.

Recently, SP Jain Singapore hosted their 43rd Toastmasters meeting on the theme "Save Planet Earth: Water Conservation." SPJ Toastmasters Club is a platform for individuals to hone their speaking, thinking and leadership skills through active participation in Toastmasters activities. It aims to provide an ongoing communications and leadership training facility within the club.

The evening began with Indumathi Sivanesan, the Acting Sergeant at Arms and Vice President of Public Relations, introducing TM Gaurav Pengoria as the Toastmaster of the Day. Gaurav set an engaging tone with a Q&A session, before inviting Jhunilyn, the Acting Club President and Vice President of Education, to give the welcome remarks.

Jhunilyn introduced the "Word of the Day," "Extirpate," which means to destroy, remove, or eradicate something completely. This term perfectly aligned with the meeting's theme, highlighting the need for action in environmental conservation.

The evening continued with TM Gaurav introducing the evaluators and the general evaluator for the session: TM Patricia Ang PM5 DL5, TM Selvaraj Santhiram Segam VC5 PI4, and B3 Area District TM Ali Yousuf Zaidi. He provided a clear agenda for the evening, detailing the schedule for the prepared speeches, and introduced the Timer, TM Parvathy Subramaniam, and the Ah Counter, TM Rahul Pathania.

The prepared speeches included a range of topics, all aligning with the theme of the evening.

1.TM Nagarajan spoke on "A Little About Me," sharing personal stories and experiences to introduce his background and journey.

Sustainable Solutions on Water Conservation: Singapore Toastmasters

TM Nagarajan discussing personal experiences that define his background

2.TM Indumathi delivered a speech titled "What Have We Done," focusing on water conservation. She drew from personal experiences to highlight the importance of saving water and suggested practical measures such as rainwater harvesting at home

Sustainable Solutions on Water Conservation: Singapore Toastmasters

TM Indumathi addresses the importance of conserving water and proposes effective methods

3.TM Sounak Chatterjee addressed "Save Planet Earth: Water Conservation" with detailed information on water conservation methods, including data on water usage and declining water levels. He discussed the concept of "Zero Day," when a city could run out of water, insisting the audience to take actionable steps.

Sustainable Solutions on Water Conservation: Singapore Toastmasters

Sounak Chatterjee motivates communities to act for responsible water use

Each speech was evaluated by TM Sivaraj, Caroline, and Patricia, who provided constructive feedback to the speakers. A table topics session was then conducted that allowed members and guests to practice impromptu speaking with thought-provoking prompts.

In the Timer and Ah Counter reports, TM Parvathy Subramaniam ensured all speakers adhered to the time limits, though one speaker exceeded the limit by a minute due to the engaging content. TM Rahul Pathania reported on filler words and sounds such as "ah," "um," "er," and "so," offering feedback to improve fluency and clarity.

The General Evaluator, TM Ali Yousuf Zaidi, provided a thorough review of the meeting, praising the high quality of the speeches and suggesting areas for improvement. He noted the underuse of the word "Extirpate" and encouraged more creative use to expand vocabulary.

The meeting concluded with Club Secretary TM Parvathy Subramaniam thanking all
participants. The awards for the evening were announced:

  • Best Speaker: TM Sounak Chaterjee
  • Best Evaluator: TM Patricia Ang, DL5 PM5
  • Best Table Topics Speaker: TM Rahul Pathania

Each recipient received a certificate in recognition of their outstanding contributions. TM Parvathy closed the meeting by inviting everyone to stay for informal networking and refreshments, providing an opportunity for further conversation and fellowship.



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