CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G
After much extensive research which included gathering data from corporates and alumni, we believe we have developed a truly world-class program which is at the leading edge of applied practice and theory.
Some of the many new courses include Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management, and Corporate Governance and Ethics. New electives such as New Ventures, and Mergers and Acquisitions are being offered. Furthermore, a new specialisation is being offered in Entrepreneurship. In addition, ECAP (Executive Career Acceleration Pathway) has been integrated into the core curriculum, emphasising the strategic importance of all students enhancing their soft skills in order to become effective managers and leaders.
The SP Jain EMBA has had a rich history which started in Dubai in 2004. S P Jain has made a major strategic investment in technology these past few years. Online courses are now taught through the cutting-edge Engaged Learning Online platform. This enables students to study in real-time at home or work via a virtual classroom.
The EMBA is taught by our world-class core faculty as well as through sourcing faculty from leading business schools from around the world.
Graduating from SP Jain means that you have a globally branded EMBA which is widely recognised around the world. Should you choose to apply, and be accepted, we are very much looking forward to working with you over your learning journey!
10 Hyderabad Road, Next
to HortPark, off Alexandra
Road, Singapore, 119579
Call: +65 6270 4748
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Name of PEl (Private Education Institution): S P Jain School of Global Management | Registered with Skills Future Singapore Agency (SSG) | PEI Registration Number: 200516544Z | Period of Registration: 09 May 2023 to 08 May 2029.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Name of PEl (Private Education Institution): S P Jain School of Global Management | Registered with Skills Future Singapore Agency (SSG) | PEI Registration Number: 200516544Z | Period of Registration: 09 May 2023 to 08 May 2029.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.