Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH)
Support and Services
The urgent need to foster safe, respectful communities free of discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault has gained momentum worldwide. SP Jain School of Global Management recognises that need and is determined to do all we can in the communities we serve, fostering respect, inclusion and safety for all.
We have zero tolerance for all forms of sexual assault and sexual harassment (SASH) and are committed to achieving and maintaining a safe environment.
Sexual Harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. Sexual harassment does not have to be directed at a particular individual to be unlawful. Behaviour which creates a hostile learning environment for other students can also be unlawful1.
Sexual assault occurs when a person is forced or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without consent, or if a child or young person under 18 is exposed to sexual activities. Sexual assault can include, but is not limited to, sexual act, sexual touching, sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault.
It uses technology to threaten, intimidate, harass or humiliate someone – with the intent to hurt them socially, psychologically or even physically.
10 Hyderabad Road, Next
to HortPark, off Alexandra
Road, Singapore, 119579
Call: +65 6270 4748
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Name of PEl (Private Education Institution): S P Jain School of Global Management | Registered with Skills Future Singapore Agency (SSG) | PEI Registration Number: 200516544Z | Period of Registration: 09 May 2023 to 08 May 2029.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.
Name of PEl (Private Education Institution): S P Jain School of Global Management | Registered with Skills Future Singapore Agency (SSG) | PEI Registration Number: 200516544Z | Period of Registration: 09 May 2023 to 08 May 2029.
© S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management Pty. Ltd. Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12041. CRICOS Provider Code: 03335G.